Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cottleville 7K -- Preview

So on Saturday I will be running in the first ever Cottleville 7K. (Not sure of the exact name). 7K is around 4.3 miles, so it is an odd distance. I have no idea how many people will be there. There is a HUGE race in downtown St. Louis, so I have a feeling most runners will be there. The course should is one loop, with several rollling hills. I haven't been running as much as I should, so I know I will be slower than I was last summer. I will be shooting for under 30 minutes. I am hoping to place, but with no past records I have no idea what the times will be like. Race day will be a big workout day as I will swim, race, then bike and probably run again. Fun Fun.

Upcoming Post: 2009 Race Calendar

Monday, March 9, 2009

New Blog

Welcome to my blog. That is me becoming an Ironman last year in Louisville. This year I will be attempting to complete 3 iron distance races. Vineman in Sonoma, CA, Redman in Oklahoma City, OK, and Ironman Cozumel in Mexico. I will try to update this blog a few times a week with what is going on. Here are the other players in my household:

My girlfriend Stacy, and my 11 week old puppy Lyla
My 7 year old Bruiser who thinks he loves to run, but really just loves to slow me down.

Lyla when she is being sweet
The family at play
Coming up this weekend I will be running a 7K for St. Patty's day. The rest of my schedule I will soon be updating.